Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Play with colors and the brush. Trust me, it is fun. I have never enjoyed painting as much as I am in this course.
I have been using water colors since I was in grade 7. But, I never realized what they can make ! I never knew that the same water colors which I have been using since almost 7 years now can be treated in so many styles to create magnificent landscapes. I was simply overwhelmed, looking at these colors flowing freely, making their own way on the paper in the wet-on-wet technique. When we were asked to do the same, I was so eased out as it seemed needless of any effort. But, as soon as I held the brush, I figured how difficult it was and the quantity and quality of effort it would have taken for ma’am to make it look so effortless! I now understand how, where I stand in the world of visual art. I have to work really hard to reach that point of effortlessness.
But, guess what the good part is? Unlike any other subject you don’t have to slog to excel. You just have to paint

Anuj Shah

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