Friday, October 2, 2009


"While doing 'wet-on-wet' technique in water colors I realized one thing that one needs to play with colors like green and yellow with touches of blue and red. It gives out a fresh look. While trying to blend colors like red and blue, the effect is dull and the freshness is lost. I feel, using pleasant colors is much more better. Darker shades to me, show rigidity."

Pratik Bahua

"My favourite artist is Gregory Colney. The main reason is his way of painting sky. the colour combinations that he uses are very appealing and soothing not only to the eyes but also to heart. apart from these some of the other reasons are as follows:

  1. He makes the viewer feel the aura, that he did, while making the respective painting
  2. His has well identified his strength i.e landscapes
  3. I feel that he puts the nature very beautifully on the paper - specially by his techniques and colour selection
  4. He captures the common scene and portrays it in very unusual way
  5. He barely has any thing abstract in the painting thus every one can relate easily. "

Anusha Kabra

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