Friday, September 18, 2009

Spellbound by Art

The studio is that rare space where time loses meaning. All that matters is the paper, the instrument and the artist. Missed breakfasts, pending assignments and all else simply float away to give room to pure expression:

" Whenever I start painting , I get LOST and the flow comes out automatically.I never knew painting could be so much fun, until I started learning. I am confident that this learning is gonna help me in the future as it helps me enhance my creativity."

Anish Tiwary

"The beauty of the Visual Arts class is discovering new techniques of expressing yourself, on paper. I made 50 sketches and practiced sketching like never before. I practically became a pro at it, because I could actually do a sketch in 5 minutes by the end of the exercise. By finding 6 ways of doing compositions, I explored my creativity. I saw so many options of the same topic in class. had loads of fun and discovered new shapes and figures. I love Visual Arts 101."

Shruti Bansal

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