Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Curious in Class

Q1] If we can spot the highlight so clearly on a sphere, how will it be on a 3D conical surface? [on a cone]

Ans. A vertical line according to the angle of the cone.

Q2] It is so difficult to draw and paint. My hand just doesn’t move even to draw a simple object or plant. Why don’t people value it more than other subjects/ studies?

Ans. Because art is an abstract expression. Not having a definite /tangible answer. That’s anyways difficult to comprehend. Our education system nurtures our linear/ convergent thinking so well that we tend to forget the relevance and importance of lateral/ divergent thinking.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Spellbound by Art

The studio is that rare space where time loses meaning. All that matters is the paper, the instrument and the artist. Missed breakfasts, pending assignments and all else simply float away to give room to pure expression:

" Whenever I start painting , I get LOST and the flow comes out automatically.I never knew painting could be so much fun, until I started learning. I am confident that this learning is gonna help me in the future as it helps me enhance my creativity."

Anish Tiwary

"The beauty of the Visual Arts class is discovering new techniques of expressing yourself, on paper. I made 50 sketches and practiced sketching like never before. I practically became a pro at it, because I could actually do a sketch in 5 minutes by the end of the exercise. By finding 6 ways of doing compositions, I explored my creativity. I saw so many options of the same topic in class. had loads of fun and discovered new shapes and figures. I love Visual Arts 101."

Shruti Bansal

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Indian Cave Paintings

Here is some information on cave paintings based on a presentation made by Anusha Chabra,Divya Singhvi and Hari Sankar Raja. The information and pictures could really be helpful in understanding more about the cave paintings in India. A few examples of the cave paintings have also been put in for further understanding.

Sketching by the lake

It is said that nature is a very good teacher. The calming and serene environment near the lake definitely helps one to bring out the creativity in you. This Tuesday was one such day when everyone had the chance to experience the bliss in sketching near the lake. Everyone seemed to be in their on own trip as illustrated in the following pics. There is also a picture in which we can see the aspects of shading as done by a student."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is a blog for the Visual Arts 101 class of 2009 consisting of students from FSB, FSC and FSLE. In this blog you will find the various topics discussed in the class and also the sketches and paintings done by the students in the class and off the class. Don't be shy and please contribute to this blog. Comments, suggestions and opinions are welcome.