Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shri.Ravi Paranjape's exhibition

Below is my experience of the visit to Shri. Paranjape's home:-

A wide array of thumbnail paintings put up in the most beautiful manner I have ever seen was my first view of this exhibition. At no exhibition would an artist put up thumbnails of thirty years of experiences.
I was impressed by the wide use of mediums such as colour pencils, acrylic colours etc. It inspired me greatly to work with new mediums and try new things. This philosophy of being an explorer is what I gained that day and I will always cherish it.

Yash Merchant

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quotes of painters

"Art is the ability to transport oneself from the midst of a cold winter to a lovely summer's morning and sense it all, feel how nature awakens and your own harmony in tune with it. That is what I require from a work of art. It must say something and say it so loud that it carries us away." - Hugo Simberg, Finnish symbolist painter and graphic artist

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An'effortless' course

What i like about the 201 visual art course, it that unlike other subjects , it doesn't add to our stress. Even the theory part of it...when everyone presents the art periods, we learn in the process. It is fun.

Divya Singhvi
fsle 1